Friday, August 25, 2006

Quick update and a treat...

A summer's passed.

I've moved to my flat. Love it. L O V E it! It's not the most amazing place ever, but right now it's my palace. And it's all MINE! Will get new wallpapers AND new floors as well. Neat! Will show pictures of it when it's done.

The summer I would describe as work, work WORK! I've been working more than full time all through july, and now it's slowing down finally.

Quick update
Right now I'm...
Reading: the Truman Capote biography by Gerald Clarke
Listening to: Morrissey, James Morrison and Lionel Richie
Watching: Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Stepford wives (new version), Les Choristes, Batman Begins, Side ways
Surfin: Charlie the Únicorn (sooo bizarre!!) and orkut
Chatting with: a woman who is unemployed, a man in love and (of course) sister dearest
Eating: lots and lots of eggs
Drinking: coffee (I just can't get enough) preferably with G at Bönan ("The Bean"), the coffe place with the best view in town
Travelling with: Skanetrafiken (local trains and busses in my region)
Sleeping: too little, with little kitten beside me

Here is a P.S and a treat! I never thought I liked rugby OR France. But, I think I've just changed my mind...