Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Back "home"?

Where to start?
Maybe with som recollections of the last week. It was a week filled with (mixed) emotions. Home sickness, fear of separation, anger, joy, good talks and bad talks.

Maybe with a big THANK YOU for a great going-away-party! I had a great time, and everyone I wanted to be there was there (except for my three dear irish girls, my comrades in the quest against the FOCKERS! Claire, Gill and Sue: will miss our talks!). Someone actually had the nerve to say that the music makes the party, but it was definitely the people who made my party rock!

I thought I would break down completely while saying good bye to everyone but that didn't happen. Although, it was not easy getting into the cab. It didn't feel like I was going home, it felt like I was going away.

The trip back was as good as a 10 hour flight can be, I guess. I slept through the most of it, exhausted from last week's emotional roller coaster. When I arrived in Amsterdam, I had twenty minutes to run through what seemed half of the world to get to the next gate. And as the guy checked my boarding pass, he asked what country I came from (will that question ever go away?!?). At my reply I was denied to enter the flight! What does the bastard know that I don't?!? (Me paranoid? Nah!) It turned out the reason was that the India-flight was late and that they couldn't reload my luggage and hence weren't allowed to let me board. Three extra hours at Schiphol, hooray! I'm starting to think that Amsterdam really IS my Waterloo (to quote a great song from the Eurovision Song Contest)...

Finally in Copenhagen my mom and sister-dearest waited for me. I know I try to be a tough cookie, but in the arms of near ones I allow the tears to flow. As we left Kastrup the strangest thing happened. It was like the last three months of my life just disappeared from me. I was completely chocked! No more India in my mind. Maybe a defense mechanism, I don't know, hopefully it will come back in time. Sweden welcomed me with a beautiful spring day, crispy clear air (FRESH air!) and sunshine. We had a late lunch at Mc Donalds, a hommage to my dutch B-girl!

So, back in Sweden.

First week has been good. I went to get a haircut which has been long needed and longed for, I didn't cut it in India for two reasons 1) Swedish hair and Indian hair has nothing in common and what do indians know about hair styles anyway ;) and 2) I've gone to my excellent hairdresser for almost five years now, going to someone else would feel like cheating. Who said that I was vain and a slave under my habits?

I'm a member of the board of this organisation (http://www.folkuniversitetet.se/templates/Page.aspx?id=3460), since the last four years, and this week there was two meetings related to that. One of them was yesterday in Uppsala (a city appr. 700 km away from Lund, where I live). We flew up, and it took about an hour (I know, I know, I hear you: Flying! Bah, that's for the weak. Try Indian sleeper class for 16 hours, and then we'll talk...) The meeting is the annual meeting of the head organisation. What was special about this particular annual meeting is that the general secretary, Jan-Sture Karlsson, is retiring and therefor all the necessary goodbyes and tank yous was included. The man is one of the most brilliant ones I've ever met! He's been at his post for 26 six years and lives and breaths the organisation and anyone who spends more than five mintues with him loves him! The knowledge and wit in that man is breath-taking!

Anyway, the actual meeting took about 15 minutes and then we moved on to the more important things: Lunch! Excellent food and WINE! Proper WINE!!! I've had wine (or rather "wine") in India, but it's a disgrace to all the wines of the world. The first sip was an oral orgasm, if there ever is one.

Of course, there's been hanging out with and (at least trying to) catch up with friends. And fortunately, that was not a difficult task. It felt so good to sit at my favorite coffee place (where even the waiter welcomed me with a "Long time no see") and just to laugh and talk about everything and nothing again. Met my sweet cats and they actually seemed to remember me still, even though I abandoned them at their stepfathers place.

So far, so good!


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